Sunday, June 08, 2014

five weeks ten frocks

Okay, so my challenge, which I have chosen to accept, is to holiday in France and England for five weeks, with only 10 frocks. Here they are. They range from very casual (top left) down to very dressy (middle bottom). There are four wrap dresses, and most are jersey or t-shirt material (aside from my stretchy lace) - so easy to wash, stuff in a bag, and wear.

I'll be jazzing them up with different coloured beads and my shoes.

I'm also taking my padded hangers, two pairs of swimmers, five pairs of shoes and two cardis. Add in some undies and toiletries and I'm set to go.

Can I do it? I reckon I can.

Particularly as I have full intention of buying clothes when I'm over there.

Eleven more sleeps people!


  1. You can totally do it! I adore frocks (no surprise there!). They're so versatile, and are perfect for any occasion and ESPECIALLY for Europe!

    I want to run around Europe in dresses. It looks like there might be some room in your case for me! :)

  2. You're even taking coat hangers! So organised!

    1. It's for when I'm in a B&B - wash out the frock in the sink, hang it up to dry overnight :)

  3. You are so well organised and of course you will buy new clothes while away. I had to buy a new medium-size suitcase when in Mebourne years ago on our way home from New Zealand. I discovered Myer's bargain basement and at that time we didn't have a Myer in Perth.
    You are going to have an absolutely fabulous holiday. xx


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