Monday, April 16, 2012

use your kind words

I choose to use my words to lift people up, to make them smile.

When I was a freelance journalist I was lucky enough to choose what I wrote about. I'd choose to write about things I loved, things I was enthusiastic about - things I wanted to share with others. I wanted to inspire others to help make their life a little better. If I made a change in one person's life that would make me happy.

I've worked on magazines for over 20 years. I was lucky that I started in mags and didn't have to do the awful newspaper cadet route of ambulance chasing and dealing with people in their darkest moments.

I've always chosen to walk on the light side. I try to do it in life, and I do it on this blog.

Sometimes I think my blog's too light, too low on words. But then I hear from others that they like my pretty pictures and that my posts help cheer them up.

I'm happy with that.

I don't read magazines anymore. If I feel the need for sitting down with a mag over a cuppa I'll choose a home-style mag. The others don't speak to me.

Blogs speak to me.

I've been blessed to meet some of the most talented, beautiful and all-round wonderful bloggers that this country has to offer. I feel greedy for all that they've given me. I see their new posts in my blog roll or reader and I leap joyfully over to read their beautiful words, see their glorious images and feel blessed that I share the world with them.

Some people don't get it.

They never will.

More pity to them.


  1. Yuh HUH. Right back at you spunk xxx

  2. True, true, true.

    Funny, I don't read mags anymore either. Would much rather visit her and other pretty places. xx

  3. I agree with you 100%. I stopped reading most mags a while ago, when I discovered blogs and will only flip through mags at a cafe. Now I have a smart phone, I read my RSS feed instead.

    Your posts always make me smile :)

    1. And isn't it weird when you flip through them? Kinda like that ex that you think, "seriously, dude, him?"

      And thank you so much, knowing I make someone smile makes posting all the richer x

  4. Thanks.

    I agree - making someone else smile or feel happy is such an easy thing to do, being nasty takes a bit more effort.

    I worked for 20 years in public/government job. I chose my career, after a few steps on other paths, because I could interact with people & make their day a little better. I was constantly surprised by the number of people who couldn't respond to a smile or a question of "how are you?" Or who were deliberately nasty in response. And it was public libraries - generally happy places!

    On my daily walks I smile at everyone I pass, apologise for the pram taking to much room on the footpath, or for the kids making too much noise, mostly I get a smile in return...makes my day happier and hope it makes a difference to them.

    I love the "light" nature of this blog, bringing happy, pretty, interesting things into my world.

    1. It does take an effort doesn't it? And for what? To feel bigger than someone? More important? Pah.

      I'm a smiler and a 'hello'er when I'm on my walks too - why would you not?

      And thank you for your lovely words. Can't wait to catch up after the holiday xx

  5. I've come to the conclusion that lite and fluffy definitely has it's place and so I keep my blog that way too. I like deep and meaningful aswell, but for me that is more about one to one conversation where you can see what the other person is saying, rather than trying to work out the tone in type, or cause WW III with people I've never met!
    Smiling costs nothing, uses less muscles than a frown and kind words make everyone's day nicer - good job!
    Sandra x

    1. So true Sandra. There is a place for everything - and I think we need a lot more nice to balance out the nasty! x

  6. I've only recently found your blog, but it has me hankering after lovely things!

    1. Glad to hear it - lovely things always bring a smile x

  7. I always believe that in my job, (child based)there are many moments that would be worthy of a less than kind comment, but it has been my philosophy to believe that while I'm not all the time loving the moment someone else loves this individual in front of me and I believe a nice comment is remembered long after the sting of an acid remark.I always leave your blog feeling all nice and bloggy.....thank you.

    1. Very wise words. And those stinging acid words can be held onto long after they've left our lips. Thank you for your lovely words, they've made me smile x

  8. One of the first lessons i taught my children was to accept compliments with grace & offer as many as you can during your day. They used to ask me if i knew the sales assistant, as we seemed like friends, even when they were really young, i'd just say "you never know, they might not enjoy their job or be having a bad day, we might have just made their day by simply being friendly". Now i see them engage in small talk & compliments with friends, it's really sweet.
    When i met my husband he didn't know how to take a compliment, as he'd never received any growing up, thus my prompt at making it part of our children's every day lives. Me, i grew up with more than my fair share of love & kind words from my family, so spreading it around is natural to me. Gorgeous post, love Posie

    1. Accepting compliments with grace is so important isn't it? Otherwise if you don't, it's like responding with a slap. I'm always OTT friendly with anyone who serves me anywhere, I think it's to make up for others.

      Sounds like you're raising some beautiful children there Posie, which doesn't surprise me one little bit x

  9. As Jewel sings: "Only kindness matters".
    Yesterday, after waiting ages in the queue at the movies, I was less than kind to the young man behind the counter - not his fault Greater Union had three movies starting within five minutes of each other. I felt absolutely awful for the first fifteen minutes of the movie. Regretful. I hate unkindness - particularly when it comes from me as it's not my nature.
    I also follow Maggie Aderson's and Sarah Wilson's blogs and there have been some really unkind comments sent their way, lately. Maggie and Sarah were so gracious in the way they handled it - and much more than their unkind commentators deserved. I wonder about the motivations of people who follow blogs only to criticise their authors - surely if they don't like what's written they can just bale out - not read any more.
    I love your blog, it's a joy to read - always uplifting and inspiring.
    Whatever makes you happy, sets you free xx

    1. There's a real difference between frustration and vitriol. We all snap sometimes, but some people don't feel regretful at all.

      I also wonder about those who read blogs just to be able to leap on and comment negatively. What a weird thing to do.

      Thank you x

  10. This is so beautifully written PPMJ. I have only just learnt of the situation that occurred on the weekend. Beth is a friend of mine from way back, long before blogging and I know she has a heart of gold and integrity to burn. Like yourself, I don't really do magazines, I flick through and as for newspapers, we don't buy them here. So thankfully, I was not privy to the unfortunate article.
    For the record, I adore coming over here for a visit and feel grateful I found your blog, it's fun, intelligent and pretty... all things that I love! xo

    1. You are lucky you didn't read it, the bitter taste would still be lingering. Knowing the integrity of those involved in the article made it all the more horrid.

      And thank you so much. Your beautiful comments always mean so much to be. Thank you.

  11. I've been away for a bit, and just now catching up on my blog reading - my faves (you'd be at the top of my list). Don't ever doubt your blog. Yours is such a joy to visit. Thank you for being your gorgeous self. xo

    1. Oh thank you my lovely, that means so much to me - it really does x


Comments make me SO happy. Thank you for taking the time to share the love x