Sunday, April 08, 2012

happy easter

Why hello there. Don't you think I shouldn't work more often - look at how often I'm posting!

I was thrilled to spot this wee fuzzy bunny I photographed at Frankie's Place when going through my photos yesterday, he'd do excellent chameleon hiding while distributing easter eggs on the lawn don't you think?

How's your easter weekend going? Can you believe we've still got all of today AND all of tomorrow off? Working full time really makes you appreciate public holidays with a passion.

Hubby's been struck down with a cold so he'll be resting today, but my gal has a friend coming over later today for a sleepover. I'm cooking a slow roasted shoulder of lamb for dinner - and tomorrow we're off to see The Lorax. Hope they've done Seuss justice this time, even just a little bit.

Best go cook up some bacon and eggs - happy easter.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

do you freecycle?

I am a big fan of Freecycle. We joined a few years ago when a charity rejected a two year old mattress with a coffee stain on it {not whinging, that's their policy - but I didn't want to waste it}. Over the years we've rehoused our old trampolene, old bikes, a lounge - loads of stuff. It gives me the happies seeing things not going to landfill but going to a home where people genuinely want and need an object and would prefer to reuse rather than buy new.

The other day we were tidying away and I found my husband's old bike seat. Almost brand new, he just needed something snazzier for the 100k rides he does. Then, not two days later a call comes across Freecycle asking if anyone had a spare bike seat. Bingo. We have a match.

It's surprising seeing what some people put on there - and what people take. We had a stack of old photo library books that I kept forgetting to take to my daughter's school - but I knew they'd be great for some kind of scrapbooking. Sure enough a counseller who works in welfare was so grateful for them as she'd ask clients to create memory books as therapy.

Everything's got a use somewhere doesn't it?


Couldn't possibly decide between the pink and red roses at the market today.

Naturally I bought both.

Greedy guts aren't I?

belle fleurs

There are few things I adore more than gorgeous, multi-coloured roses in an old jug. We're off to the markets in a tic - guess I'd best buy a bunch while I'm there don't you think?

Friday, April 06, 2012

happy friday

Happy Good Friday everyone. What have you planned for today? I had a nice sleep-in as I had the house to myself last night {!} Yep, got back from my friend's house after some champagne and giggles, cooked myself up some chicken dumplings and finally watched A Single Man. As you'd expect from something directed by Tom Ford it was insanely beautiful. Colin Firth in a Tom Ford suit is something I'd be quite happy to watch for hours on end.

Today I'll be pottering around until my hubby and gal get back from my in-laws. It's such a glorious day today that I'm going to INSIST on a family bike ride. There might also be some baking don't you think? I need to make those bunny biscuits {I have the cutters} and just need teeny white marshmallows for the tails! Cuteness.

Have a beautiful day - and enjoy this extra long weekend. x

Thursday, April 05, 2012

happy fake friday

A friend of mine introduced me to the term Fake Friday today and I like it. I like it a lot. Do you have any idea how much I am looking forward to this long, long weekend? So very much.

I did that job yesterday that scared me so. Pretty well according to an expert so that makes me happy. I wrote some scripts for some videos we're shooting next week - and once that shoot wraps next wednesday night I will be very happy indeed. So happy that I may require a wee champagne fountain in vintage bowls. And macarons. And this pretty pink ombre frock. Oh, and a wrist corsage - seriously, don't you think the world would be a better place with more wrist corsages?

After work today I am off to a friends for some champagne to celebrate the fact that we survived the first semester of High School. It's been a learning experience - for us and our gal. She's done exceptionally well bless her lil socks. I couldn't possibly be prouder of her or love her more. She deserves a pink ombre frock - and a wrist corsage - she would totes rock a wrist corsage.

Happy fake friday my lovelies and hope the easter bunny brings you some delish treats x

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

just dive in

I'm currently in the midst of doing something I've never done before and it's challenging me. It's not huge, or amazing, just something for work that's making me step out of my comfort zone. But it's enough to make that dizzying fear keep rising from my stomach, so I have to tamp it down.

Working remotely from home has so many benefits, but the one thing it lacks is being able to lean over to a colleague at the next desk and say "Hey, do you think this is okay?" Luckily I have a Skype meeting this morning with an expert in the field, so he should be able to guide me. I'm sure it'll be fine - but it's kind of like the first time I've ever written for a new publication times 1000.

To get me through I'm channelling a TEDxNewy talk from Gerry Bobsien about the joy, challenge and terror of being a novice - that's going to pump me up. Go check her out - she's bloody inspiring.

Monday, April 02, 2012

it's a pug, with a monocle

And the award for cutest April Fools ever goes to Warby Parker with their Warby Barker range. 


meal planning monday

After last week's crazy socialising and shenanigans, this week's on a bit of a go-slow. I need to chill, do some cooking, and say more than three words to my family. Here's what we're eating:

Monday: we're off to the library after school as my gal has homework that requires an actual paper atlas - how old school! So when we come home I think we'll be needing caramelised pork and my gal's new fave udon noodles. With lots of wilted, garlic-infused greens.

Tuesday: late night at ballet and I *may* be squeezing in some socialising by heading out to the cinema with some of my twitter pals. We're off to see A Dangerous Method which should be fabulous. Easy dinner of spaghetti bolognaise I'm thinking.

Wednesday: netball training for my gal. Her eyes lit up today when I mentioned it's almost lamb shank weather. Perhaps I could sneak some in early don't you think?

Thursday: I *may* be going to the SurfHouse with a friend to debrief about Duran Duran. She got to stroke and sing with Simon, so I'm guessing I'll just be saying "OH MY GOD" a lot. Hubby has a ride in Maitland the next morning so he's off with my gal to his parents house. They'll be eating there, I'll be having bar snacks with my cocktails.

Friday: gotta do fish really, haven't I? Salmon on the bbq with a salad.

Saturday: I'm hoping this gorgeous weather will stick around. We'll be painting this weekend - hopefully getting the new wardrobe in our kitchen from Italian Nonna to Parisian Chic. I'll have bbq items ready to throw on.

Sunday: Roast night. I'm really into roasting chickens at the moment, the stuffing and accompaniments make it such a varied dish. Tonight might be just a 'shove-a-lemon-and-some-proscuitto-in-the-cavity' kind of night, but that makes for a delish dish.

And that's it - not really as quiet as I'd made out was it? Well, there's a little downtime in there isn't there? What are you eating?

Sunday, April 01, 2012

chicken dinner total winner

You know the only thing better than a chicken that's been stuffed with halved lemons, garlic cloves and Parma ham?

Hassleback potatoes stuffed with Parma ham and topped with a mix of rosemary, salt and garlic ground in a mortar and pestle. Oh and drizzled with olive oil.

Yum indeed.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

put a bird on it

It took me yonks to *get* Twitter. I signed up, and then just sat back and watched it for a couple of months. I couldn't work out how to join in the conversation, what to say - or why to say it. But slowly, I worked it out. I dipped my toes into conversations, learned not to feel hurt if someone didn't respond {they're not ignoring you - the conversation's probably just moved on before your comment was noted} and learned to love it.

Now, I can't do without Twitter. I follow three bunches of people: bloggers, work-related contacts and Newy Tweeps. Oh, I love my Newy Tweeps. See, Newy Tweeps are a bunch of local tweeps who, between them, know just about everything there is to know about Newcastle. I started off following one person, trolled through her list and followed people she followed - then started following people whose conversation intrigued me.

Twitter's where I get all my news. I'd been discussing the winner of the Archibald Prize for two hours on Twitter before an email from the Art Gallery pinged in my in-box to tell me who'd won.

There are rules, and bits of etiquette. For example, my first call is to check my mentions to see who's responded to me, or tweeted me - and then I try to tweet them back. There's nothing sadder than feeling ignored on Twitter. I'm not fond of people who auto-post reams of tweets one after the other - it feels spammy and unless they offer something else of value, these are the people I tend to unfollow.

I love the parody accounts and ones set up purely for entertainment value. My favourite is a bus. Yes, a bus - the 100 Bus - a Newcastle institution. Last night I was involved in a chat with a bus, a goat, a pub and a midwife - how's that for bizarre. Actually, the pub's a good example of a business using twitter well to interact with the local community - it's all about engagement, not advertising.

If you're lucky you'll be like me and discover some fab friends that you have a ridiculous amount in common with. If not, well, enjoy just having fun.

Want to come say "hi" to me? I'm here.

Friday, March 30, 2012

une fleur for friday

Look at this glorious critter I found in my front garden today. Love the carmine against that exquisite blue sky. Don't you think autumn skies are the best?

Have a gorgeous friday. x

Thursday, March 29, 2012

duran duran equal awesome

I was completely blown away by Duran Duran on Wednesday night. Completely and utterly blown away. See this set list? See that second song? Yes, that would be Planet Earth which quite nearly blew the roof off the Sydney Entertainment Centre.

Damn. They were good.

Real good.

And they had fun. Simon pulled out his best rock god impressions, and damn, did he do it well. And see that smile on John's face? It barely left. You've got to be happy when a band seems glad to be there. They played non-stop, every hit I've ever hoped to hear. There was also real, genuine banter with the crowd. Nick took shots of the crowd and updated his Facebook page within moments of leaving the stage, and Roger shows that some drummers can age beautifully. My fave moment was John's heartfelt tribute to Molly Meldrum, the man they credit with introducing them to Australia.

Duran Duran opened the Sydney Entertainment 30 years ago - a concert I was overjoyed to attend as a teen, so watching them surpass that performance three decades later was kind of surreal. This time around we weren't in the nosebleed seats, but were in row 7 - yes SEVEN. So close we could almost touch them {which my friend Anne managed to do bless her socks. Pretty sure she's never washing her "Simon-hand" ever again}

We danced the night away, astonished that a band of this vintage could rock out better than bands a quarter of their age. They worked that stage and worked the crowd perfectly.

After a fab finale involving Girls on Film John Taylor thanked the crowd and said whenever Sydney wanted them, they'd be back to play.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to denude iTunes of all its Duran Duran. I've got me some catching up to do.

Please come back. And soon. I'm a Duranie again - and not ashamed to admit it.

Okay, if you're in NSW you MUST go to Lasttix. A reserve tickets for tomorrow night's show are 50% off. Go. Seriously. GO! I would SO be there but I have a much-looked-forward-to 40th tomorrow night.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

i'm off to Duran Duran

Well I'm a bit excited about Duran Duran tonight. Have no idea what I'm wearing, and I'm leaving for Sydney in an hour...

Can't believe it's been almost 30 years since I saw them last {why yes I do feel positively ancient...}

Perhaps I should buy an album or two on iTunes to listen to on the way down.


Monday, March 26, 2012

meal planning monday

Sorry I'm late, again. Goodness, where is time going? Busy week again, here's what's on the menu:

Tonight I was toired. So we had Mucho Nacho takeaway nachos. They were fine, not great, but fine.

Tuesday: I shall be at Duran Duran (hurrah) so hubby and daughter are possibly fending for themselves, or possibly not. My gal came home sick today and may not be recovered tomorrow. And hubby has a day of meetings, so my in-laws {bless them} may be coming down to help look after poor poorly miss.

Wednesday: I shall be out. Again. At a cocktail party for bloggers. I know, don't hate me. It's for work.

Thursday: Home again, finally. Best make salmon patties for my gal to make up for being away.

Friday: Goodness, I'm going out again. With my fab friend A to a French film. Shall have an early dinner of steak and salad I'd imagine.

Saturday: Um, going out. Again. With my husband this time to a fab friend's 40th.

Sunday: Hmmm, would you believe me if I said I'm going out again? Not sure really as I've tried to make a reservation at Subo for dinner for hubby and two of our fave friends. Will we get a reservation? We shall see...

Goodness, that is a big week isn't it. Think I'll need a bex and a lie down...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

sweet, sweet saturday

Well hey, how's things? Is it as gloriously gorgeous a day in your neck of the woods as it is here? Oh my it's pretty in Merewether today. We started the day early with an umpiring clinic for the gals in my netball team, so I went along for support, and to learn a few things. Sitting outside while the gals played and umpired was a mighty fine start to the day let me tell you. 

This afternoon my hubby's painting the new gate on the side veranda that my step dad built - yay!

I'm catching up on washing, cleaning, shopping, tidying etc and then tonight we're off to my in-laws for dinner and a sleepover as hubby has an early morning Maitland ride tomorrow. While we're up there we'll drop into my favourite nursery, Heritage Gardens where I'd love to pick up something like the arrangement above for my front veranda - prettiness!

Enjoy your weekend x

Friday, March 23, 2012

oh provence

Sometimes, when things are stressed and frantic I like to stop and take a little holiday in my mind. Want to come with me? 
Today we're going to L'ilse sur la Sourgue in Provence. Well, why wouldn't you? See that sky? That's the exact shade at around 9.30pm. Isn't it just exquisite? No wonder so many artists were drawn to Provence, the colours are just like nothing you've ever seen. And look at all those restaurants - so fabulous. Also the scene of our cheapest and one of the best meals in provence - seventeen euros for three courses. I know - craziness isn't it? The French really know how to eat.

I think I need to go back again. For real.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

so much awesome

Hubby and I went here for a date. Cute huh? How much do you love this wall of awesome? Must admit, I had most of these albums as a youngster...

Hubby ate this sandwich of awesome.

I ate this: hotdog of awesome. 

See that? That's exquisite caramelised onion and feta. 

I know!

Chips in wee spotty melamine latte cups? Oh, if you insist. Where is it?

Frankie's Place, Darby Street, Cooks Hill.


Monday, March 19, 2012

meal planning monday

Can't believe it's already the start of another week, another busy week... Here's what's happening and what we're eating:

Monday: I have some salmon that I couldn't be bothered cooking on Friday night. So we shall be eating it tonight. With a nice rocket and lemon salad.

Tuesday: Big ballet day for my gal. I'll make mexican for her - chicken burritos perhaps. With a fresh-corn salsa.

Wednesday: My gal's first official day of netball training. She'll be starvational afterwards. Best make Nigella's carbonara don't you think?

Thursday: I am off meeting a new pal for an $11 steak at a pub overseas {well, over river really - at Stockton}. Best leave hubby and gal some steak to cook up or they'll be jealous at missing out.

Friday: I'm off to celebrate a friend's birthday at Merewether Surf House. Might whip up a pizza first - always best to prepare for drinkies with pizza.

Saturday: My gal's a big fan of anything slow cooked with a wine sauce - if the weather's chilly I'll go for a beef in red wine casserole. Warmer days might call for chicken with 40 cloves of garlic.

Sunday: We went to a friends' for duck and champagne last sunday night so missed the lamb roast. I'll make it this week to make up.

What's on the menu in your neck of the woods?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

sweet sunday

Hi, how's your weekend treating you? Mine? Great, thank you. Yesterday my gal went off with some pals to the local shopping centre {hello teenager-hood} so hubby and I got stuck into putting stuff into our new cupboards - we're nearly there...

Today it's gloriously sunny so I'm catching up on the washing. While my mum was here I didn't have to wash a thing as it's one of her fave things to do. So I was a little bit shocked at the state of our dirty clothes baskets {I had done towels two days ago - and clean sheet day isn't until tomorrow...} So one load's drying in the breeze and sunshine, and another's cleaning as we speak. Joy.

Tonight we're off to our friends for duck and champagne night. Normally whoever is the guest buys a dessert, but I had some pears I wanted to use so I'm 'cheating' and baking a pear and almond tart. The pastry's chilling in the fridge, and all I have to do is poach the pears and make an almond paste with almond meal and a few other bits and pieces and bake it. Tres Francais non?

Now, do you just love this window seat above? Every now and again I ponder one of these in the bay window in our bedroom. At the moment we have a 1920s french bistro setting there {tres jolie} but it tends to accumulate 'stuff'. I'm going to get in there now and clean it off and see how I go. Might also give the windows a bit of a polish when the sun goes away a little. Oooh, and pop some champagne in the fridge to take tonight. I'm thinking it's a Pommery kind of evening don't you?