Saturday, May 02, 2015

and so to bed

I have a lurgy. When you have a lurgy the best thing for it is bed. Don't you think?

Hope you're feeling well and aren't too soggy in all these horrid floods. We were very unscathed this time around. But my heart's with those who weren't.

Okay, I'm back to bed.



  1. Oh dear! Not the horrid lurgy. So sorry to know you are under the weather. Do take care and get better quickly. You have two loving people to care for you which is good and hopefully they won't succumb to the sickness as well.
    Good to know you were spared in this second lot of bad weather. We in Perth are still waiting for rain after weeks without and watch with wonder and sorrow at what is happening on the east coast. So sad to hear of more lives lost.
    Get well soon. xx

  2. I wish you a speedy recovery - which, if you're in that bed, will certainly be possible! I hope you're surrounded by lovely pillows, pets and carers who bring you yummy foods and teas.


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