Friday, April 22, 2011

sweetie, darling!

So apparently I'm also going to spend this Easter catching up on my blogging. But GUESS WHAT? There are going to be three new Ab Fab episodes hitting our screens. Lord knows when we'll get them in Aus, but they're on-screen in the US in their summer.

Anyone with friends at the ABC? Do some hassling will you?

Oh, and bring out the Bolly darling.


  1. I hate having to wait for good things. Where's the fun in that!

  2. Oh I know - me too. But I'm sure it'll come around quickly, fingers crossed!

  3. Great news, love AB FAB to bits. I hope it gets here sooner rather than later as there is so little on TV that makes me laugh anymore.

  4. Sweetie darling sweetie...

    I have the box set of Ab Fab, it's brilliant. I am VERY excited about NEW Ab Fab!

  5. Nice to see I'm not the only one who had a little squee of joy at this. I think I might start bombarding the ABC with emails!

  6. Oh, this is so for me! Love Ab Fab!


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