Tuesday, April 05, 2011

concentrating on the sweet stuff

It's easy to focus on all that niggly, annoying or downright horrid stuff - but instead, I now chose to focus on the sweet stuff. Instead of moaning or groaning that I have to put away freshly washed clothes or dishes, I'm going to smile about the fact that they're clean. I'm going to look for the good in every option - and celebrate it.

In fact, I might celebrate it so much that I might make a lemon chiffon cake {um, hello, yumminess!}


  1. That cake makes me happier than a picture of a cake probably should. Sage advice as always my friend x

  2. I just want to take my finger and dip it right into that icing there......yummo.

  3. Yes yes yes! This is a lesson I keep needing to learn, over and over again. But damn, that cake makes me feel all gooey inside! Thank you!

  4. That cake. I need that cake!

    I have a to-do list so long that it terrifies me. House is going on the market in two weeks, photos are being taken next week and the house looks far less from perfect. I just keep picturing being in our new home and (hopefully) enjoying a few months being pregnant and pottering around.

    Good advice as always PPMJ. xxx

  5. mmmm, that cake looks delish! I do this best when I am hanging out the washed clothes...fresh air, drying clothes on the line, sunshine...lovely!


  6. It is often all in our heads isn't it? We can always choose to see the good or the not-so-good. A great reminder PPMJ. As for that cake... oh yum! I hope you went there :)


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