Monday, April 16, 2012

use your kind words

I choose to use my words to lift people up, to make them smile.

When I was a freelance journalist I was lucky enough to choose what I wrote about. I'd choose to write about things I loved, things I was enthusiastic about - things I wanted to share with others. I wanted to inspire others to help make their life a little better. If I made a change in one person's life that would make me happy.

I've worked on magazines for over 20 years. I was lucky that I started in mags and didn't have to do the awful newspaper cadet route of ambulance chasing and dealing with people in their darkest moments.

I've always chosen to walk on the light side. I try to do it in life, and I do it on this blog.

Sometimes I think my blog's too light, too low on words. But then I hear from others that they like my pretty pictures and that my posts help cheer them up.

I'm happy with that.

I don't read magazines anymore. If I feel the need for sitting down with a mag over a cuppa I'll choose a home-style mag. The others don't speak to me.

Blogs speak to me.

I've been blessed to meet some of the most talented, beautiful and all-round wonderful bloggers that this country has to offer. I feel greedy for all that they've given me. I see their new posts in my blog roll or reader and I leap joyfully over to read their beautiful words, see their glorious images and feel blessed that I share the world with them.

Some people don't get it.

They never will.

More pity to them.

meal planning monday

Hey, how's things? It's the final week of our much-needed school holidays here and I'm revelling in it. It's also {surprise} another busy week for me - with not one, but two movie nights with friends {I KNOW!}. Here's what we're eating this week, where the nights are getting chilly, and I'm bringing out the slow cooker.

Monday: last night my gal had a sleepover at her nana and pa's so hubby and I took advantage and headed off to the jewel in Newcastle's glittering crown of dining - Subo. OH. MY. GOD. So good. I asked my gal what meal she wanted for her welcome home and she's requested duck. Yes, she is totally my daughter. So tonight it's duck confit, potatoes roasted in duck fat - and a salad as big as my head alongside.

Tuesday: I'm off to an early movie night so I'm going to make spaghetti and meatballs in a tomato sauce in the slow cooker. Yep, I am totally going to taunt myself with delicious smells all day. But it'll be worth it. Oh, I'm off to see Salmon Fishing in the Yeman with Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. Bliss.

Wednesday: Why yes, I am off to the movies again. Chicks at the Flicks to see The Lucky One. Very early night, I'll be eating popcorn for dinner. Husband and child won't settle for popcorn for dinner so they can make homemade pizza.

Thursday: I haven't made chicken pot pies for a while. Time to make them again I think. Served with loads of vegies - particularly glazed carrots and lotsa greens.

Friday: You know what I have a hankering for? Pork chops. Guess I should make some with a mustard sauce.

Saturday: BBQ night. Fish? Yes? With salad? Sounds good to me.

Sunday: Standing rib roast tonight. With yorkshire pudding! And loads of roasted vegies.

Tell me, what are you eating this week?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

ah sweet saturday

I have a feeling I've used this pic before, if so, sorry - but I just had to go with this pink and red geranium arrangement. See, I've finally filled the planter boxes on our living room window with planter pots filled with alternating red and pink geraniums. At the moment they're just cuttings from my mother-in-law's garden, but once they fill out they'll be transporting me back to France every single time I look out the window.


We might need to do some gardening today. I wanted to head off on a roadtrip, but we might save that for next weekend. Tomorrow it's my father-in-law's birthday and we're off to Maitland to go out to lunch - that might have to sate my roadtrip urge for the moment.

What's on your agenda this weekend?

Friday, April 13, 2012

flowers for friday



Is this ombre trail of petals just the most divine thing you've ever seen? I am in love and am desperately trying to think of a situation where this could come in handy.



Thursday, April 12, 2012


Excuse me, but could SJP's twins look any more adorable?

I'm thinking not.

girls just wanna have fun

I do love a night at the movies. I think it's my ultimate get away. Something about sitting in a darkened theatre, choc top in hand, with a story unfolding on the big screen really appeals. Luckily I've found a few like-minded friends who are keen to get out and see something on the screen too.

But I think my fave cinema expedition is the Chicks at the Flicks put on by Events Cinema. I've seen a few of these and the atmosphere is always ace. There's bubbles and gift bags on arrival, and, at the few I've been to - cute stalls of fun girly things to check out.

I'm off to see The Lucky One at Glendale next week {and I'm a bit excited}. I do love a good girly film, and this one is by the creator of The Notebook {which ignited my long-lasting Ryan Gosling crush}. I am a little concerned that this film may inspire cougar-esque inappropriate feelings for Zac Efron - but I shall try to restrain myself.

I'm going with my bestie from High School - how CUTE will that be?

Do you like movies? Do you like choc tops? Do you like girls nights out?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

i presume...

I don't believe that I'll make it through this winter without a cape. Sure, there are obstacles in my path: I work from home and rarely have call for anything over a cardigan, plus I live in Newy where the temperature rarely drops below 15 degrees but still, I have a hankering.

I could totes fulfil all my Nancy Drew fantasies wearing a cape {sure, if you're going to be picky it's Sherlock Holmes who wore a cape and not Nancy, but still, she would if she could I'm sure}.

Mmmmm, capes.

Monday, April 09, 2012

meal planning monday

Ah, I'm coming at meal planning from a very relaxed perspective this week. I really do need a four weekend - at least once a month or so.... So, I'm sitting on my front veranda writing this - have discovered that my wi-fi stretches that far {hurrah} I'm busy this week, so here's what's on the menu:

Monday: I was v excited to find some really good looking Osso Bucco at Coles the other day. Shall be slow cooking that tonight and serving with soft polenta which will probably make my daughter do a wee dance of joy.

Tuesday: I'm off to Sydney tonight to stay with my pals The Divine Ms M and Mr A Grey Area. I know - how lucky am I? Don't care what we eat, I'll just gobble up the fab company. Shall organise some steaks for hubby and daughter to cook up and grab some salad from the vegie garden.

Wednesday: I'm in Sydney all day for a video shoot for work. Shall come home exhaustipated. Shall leave fixings for Spaghetti bol at home - that's always nice to come home to.

Thursday: There shall be homemade quiche lorraine for dinner tonight. With salad - you should see the leaves in our vegie garden!

Friday: Garlic and ginger poached chicken and thai fried rice. My thai basil is also going OFF and it needs pruning.

Saturday: BBQ - prawns perhaps? Yes? With salad and a roasted potato salad.

Sunday: Roast dinner night. We're probably due for a pork belly roast. Goodness knows that I have enough apples in my crisper to form a bed for them - nothing like caramelised apple sauce with your pork belly {well, maybe caramelised rhubarb sauce, but hey, I don't have an abundance of rhubarb in the fridge. Next time perhaps}.

And that's about it. What's cooking in your neck of the woods? PS: how CUTE are these lil mushroom shakers from ModCloth? Divine.

i'm finally on facebook

Well it took me nearly 11 months from when I first set up the page to publishing it last night - but my blog now has a facebook page. Hurrah - yet another piece of social media for me to blather about on. Hopefully it'll also inspire me to blog more regularly so I can fill it up.

Come play? The button's over there on the left.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

my new favourite thing

While my parents were up my step dad moved some shelves in the butler's pantry to fit in our new fridge. See, it fitted, but because it's a double door number the doors wouldn't completely open. This meant he had to narrow the shelves in the pantry on the wall closest to the kitchen.

At first I though they were an almost unusable width, until I came up with this idea! I now have four shelves filled with some of my cookbook collection. Genius. And the shelves on the other side are just the perfect width for cereals, bread, crackers, condiments and tinned food. Win all around.

I'm also in love with the water filter and ice maker in the door. I didn't want one of them, but it seemed that all the fridges of the size we wanted had one. And now, oh I love it. My mum and step-dad also fell a bit in love with it while they were up and I wouldn't be at all surprised if something similar makes it into their new kitchen when it's finished.

So, tonight I have a lamb shoulder slowly roasting in the oven. A friend on twitter told me about a greek recipe involving copious amounts of olive oil, garlic, lemon and olive oil and I thought I'd best try it. It's baking for four hours on a low heat so should be yum. I'll serve it with lemon roasted potatoes and a green salad with persian feta. Hello.

happy easter

Why hello there. Don't you think I shouldn't work more often - look at how often I'm posting!

I was thrilled to spot this wee fuzzy bunny I photographed at Frankie's Place when going through my photos yesterday, he'd do excellent chameleon hiding while distributing easter eggs on the lawn don't you think?

How's your easter weekend going? Can you believe we've still got all of today AND all of tomorrow off? Working full time really makes you appreciate public holidays with a passion.

Hubby's been struck down with a cold so he'll be resting today, but my gal has a friend coming over later today for a sleepover. I'm cooking a slow roasted shoulder of lamb for dinner - and tomorrow we're off to see The Lorax. Hope they've done Seuss justice this time, even just a little bit.

Best go cook up some bacon and eggs - happy easter.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

do you freecycle?

I am a big fan of Freecycle. We joined a few years ago when a charity rejected a two year old mattress with a coffee stain on it {not whinging, that's their policy - but I didn't want to waste it}. Over the years we've rehoused our old trampolene, old bikes, a lounge - loads of stuff. It gives me the happies seeing things not going to landfill but going to a home where people genuinely want and need an object and would prefer to reuse rather than buy new.

The other day we were tidying away and I found my husband's old bike seat. Almost brand new, he just needed something snazzier for the 100k rides he does. Then, not two days later a call comes across Freecycle asking if anyone had a spare bike seat. Bingo. We have a match.

It's surprising seeing what some people put on there - and what people take. We had a stack of old photo library books that I kept forgetting to take to my daughter's school - but I knew they'd be great for some kind of scrapbooking. Sure enough a counseller who works in welfare was so grateful for them as she'd ask clients to create memory books as therapy.

Everything's got a use somewhere doesn't it?


Couldn't possibly decide between the pink and red roses at the market today.

Naturally I bought both.

Greedy guts aren't I?

belle fleurs

There are few things I adore more than gorgeous, multi-coloured roses in an old jug. We're off to the markets in a tic - guess I'd best buy a bunch while I'm there don't you think?

Friday, April 06, 2012

happy friday

Happy Good Friday everyone. What have you planned for today? I had a nice sleep-in as I had the house to myself last night {!} Yep, got back from my friend's house after some champagne and giggles, cooked myself up some chicken dumplings and finally watched A Single Man. As you'd expect from something directed by Tom Ford it was insanely beautiful. Colin Firth in a Tom Ford suit is something I'd be quite happy to watch for hours on end.

Today I'll be pottering around until my hubby and gal get back from my in-laws. It's such a glorious day today that I'm going to INSIST on a family bike ride. There might also be some baking don't you think? I need to make those bunny biscuits {I have the cutters} and just need teeny white marshmallows for the tails! Cuteness.

Have a beautiful day - and enjoy this extra long weekend. x

Thursday, April 05, 2012

happy fake friday

A friend of mine introduced me to the term Fake Friday today and I like it. I like it a lot. Do you have any idea how much I am looking forward to this long, long weekend? So very much.

I did that job yesterday that scared me so. Pretty well according to an expert so that makes me happy. I wrote some scripts for some videos we're shooting next week - and once that shoot wraps next wednesday night I will be very happy indeed. So happy that I may require a wee champagne fountain in vintage bowls. And macarons. And this pretty pink ombre frock. Oh, and a wrist corsage - seriously, don't you think the world would be a better place with more wrist corsages?

After work today I am off to a friends for some champagne to celebrate the fact that we survived the first semester of High School. It's been a learning experience - for us and our gal. She's done exceptionally well bless her lil socks. I couldn't possibly be prouder of her or love her more. She deserves a pink ombre frock - and a wrist corsage - she would totes rock a wrist corsage.

Happy fake friday my lovelies and hope the easter bunny brings you some delish treats x

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

just dive in

I'm currently in the midst of doing something I've never done before and it's challenging me. It's not huge, or amazing, just something for work that's making me step out of my comfort zone. But it's enough to make that dizzying fear keep rising from my stomach, so I have to tamp it down.

Working remotely from home has so many benefits, but the one thing it lacks is being able to lean over to a colleague at the next desk and say "Hey, do you think this is okay?" Luckily I have a Skype meeting this morning with an expert in the field, so he should be able to guide me. I'm sure it'll be fine - but it's kind of like the first time I've ever written for a new publication times 1000.

To get me through I'm channelling a TEDxNewy talk from Gerry Bobsien about the joy, challenge and terror of being a novice - that's going to pump me up. Go check her out - she's bloody inspiring.

Monday, April 02, 2012

it's a pug, with a monocle

And the award for cutest April Fools ever goes to Warby Parker with their Warby Barker range. 


meal planning monday

After last week's crazy socialising and shenanigans, this week's on a bit of a go-slow. I need to chill, do some cooking, and say more than three words to my family. Here's what we're eating:

Monday: we're off to the library after school as my gal has homework that requires an actual paper atlas - how old school! So when we come home I think we'll be needing caramelised pork and my gal's new fave udon noodles. With lots of wilted, garlic-infused greens.

Tuesday: late night at ballet and I *may* be squeezing in some socialising by heading out to the cinema with some of my twitter pals. We're off to see A Dangerous Method which should be fabulous. Easy dinner of spaghetti bolognaise I'm thinking.

Wednesday: netball training for my gal. Her eyes lit up today when I mentioned it's almost lamb shank weather. Perhaps I could sneak some in early don't you think?

Thursday: I *may* be going to the SurfHouse with a friend to debrief about Duran Duran. She got to stroke and sing with Simon, so I'm guessing I'll just be saying "OH MY GOD" a lot. Hubby has a ride in Maitland the next morning so he's off with my gal to his parents house. They'll be eating there, I'll be having bar snacks with my cocktails.

Friday: gotta do fish really, haven't I? Salmon on the bbq with a salad.

Saturday: I'm hoping this gorgeous weather will stick around. We'll be painting this weekend - hopefully getting the new wardrobe in our kitchen from Italian Nonna to Parisian Chic. I'll have bbq items ready to throw on.

Sunday: Roast night. I'm really into roasting chickens at the moment, the stuffing and accompaniments make it such a varied dish. Tonight might be just a 'shove-a-lemon-and-some-proscuitto-in-the-cavity' kind of night, but that makes for a delish dish.

And that's it - not really as quiet as I'd made out was it? Well, there's a little downtime in there isn't there? What are you eating?

Sunday, April 01, 2012

chicken dinner total winner

You know the only thing better than a chicken that's been stuffed with halved lemons, garlic cloves and Parma ham?

Hassleback potatoes stuffed with Parma ham and topped with a mix of rosemary, salt and garlic ground in a mortar and pestle. Oh and drizzled with olive oil.

Yum indeed.