Showing posts with label image borrowed from gofugyourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label image borrowed from gofugyourself. Show all posts

Friday, February 05, 2010

wooo hue

Those who've known me for a while will realise that I love colour combos that provide a sharp contrast. Today I have deep purple toenails and scarlet fingernails - and it's making me happy. That's why I love what Lauren Conrad is wearing. For a start, that coat is quite possibly the prettiest thing I've ever seen and winter-wear in a summery hue is always a fabulous statement. When it's combined with a slash of scarlet lips it topples over into seriously delicious status. And let's not even start about the scarlet soles on those black Louboutin pumps...

Well, I had my first Alliance Francais lesson last night and let me tell you how glad I am that I went with beginners rather than continuing beginners class. I learned bucketloads in two hours - including how to break french words into syllables {after the verb!} and how to pronounce every sound. It was a mixed bag of a class - with only one annoying woman who chose to pronounce every word as the teacher was saying rather than afterwards {you know, cos she knew how...} Distracting, but I concentrated on watching the teacher's mouth and tried to block this woman out.

I feel mighty confident that my pronunciation is going to be kick-ass - now if only I can get my befuddled brain to remember new things I'll be fine.

Tonight we're off to snazzy restaurant. It keeps raining off and on so I'm a little scared to bust my Manolos out of the box. Maybe my husband can do some kind of gallant plastic carpet laying in a path to the restaurant for me...

I'll be missing Come Dine With Me tonight so I'll need to record it. If James Brown comes last I'll cry - seriously, that man needs to become my best friend stat. Love him! This weekend's stretching out without a huge amount of plans again. I'm going to get back into entertaining soon - I've got one gorgeous family I really owe an invitation to but she's such an amazing cook I need to find a menu I know will delight her... Maybe I could get out the cookbooks to search for inspiration this weekend!