Monday, December 22, 2014

happy holidays

And it's Christmas holiday time.


I'm off work from now until January 5 and let me tell you that I'll be enjoying every single second.

I'm still not *quite* prepared for Chrissy - have to get the gal a couple more Chrissy pressies (and more for her birthday five days after). But I'm feeling pretty darned calm about it all.

After working full-time for the past year, I'm so looking forward to this break. I intend on cycling and swimming every day, spending quality time with my wee family and getting the odd thing done.

Including wrapping pressies - there are now a few under our tree, but not enough.

Oh, and I'm now into year three of shopping locally for Christmas and it's going really well. There have been the odd pressie I couldn't find and had to buy online, but the vast majority were available from indie retailers on Darby Street. So pleasant wandering down a tree-lined street to shop rather than listening to tinny carols in a crowded shopping centre.

Have a lovely, lovely Christmas everyone.


  1. Merry Christmas to you too lovely Linda!

    1. Thanks so much Alana! Let's catch up this year shall we x

  2. Enjoy your well earned break and have a wonderful Christmas with your family. Please wish your gal a very happy birthday. She is like yours truly, a birthday often lost in the frenzy of Christmas and New Year.
    Sorry I've not been following as regularly as I once did but it's been one of those years. I promise to do better in 2015 which I hope will be happy, healthy and safe one for the three of you.

    1. Thank you so much Mimsie. I'm also looking forawrd to having more time to spend blog visiting this year. Hope you've had a lovely new year, birthday and Christmas time x


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