Thursday, February 14, 2008

fade to grey

I'm a huge fan of the Visage song, but when it comes to sky paint me blue any day. We've had pretty much unrelenting rain for the past few months - fine for the drought, bearable in winter, but hey, it's meant to be high summer in Aus. So instead of breathing in the frangipani, hanging lavender-scented sheets on the line to dry and wondering which jaunty colour to paint my toenails I'm drowning in an enormous to-do pile of laundry and grumping around in a huff.

Some things however, have made me smile. The exquisite smile of my darling goddaughter Harriet, the smell of her hair when she snuggled in for a 'huggle' after waking and then the news that her final words to her mother, before drifting off to sleep were "Ninny loves me". (yes, that would be me - Linda, Ninny, I'll answer by anything that comes from her adorable mouth). Love is...

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