Friday, May 03, 2013

fabulous friday

Today's been quite the week for reflection. My brother-in-law's funeral was on Tuesday and yesterday Newcastle's much-loved Police Officer Tony Tamplin was laid to rest - with what seemed like the whole city coming out to show their respects. It makes you want to ensure that you're living your life as best you can.

So when I saw this poster, I thought, yep.

Love some wise words.


  1. It certainly puts things in perspective! xx

  2. Oh I am so sorry for your families loss. I truly love your poster and it is a great reminder. xxx

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it's times like these we need to step back and take stock x

  3. Such wise words thought of through your sadness. Thanks you PPMJ. x

    1. Thanks Mimsie, it's been really tough, but we're trying to make the most of things x

  4. Wise words indeed. I like the idea of 'travelling like you're 30' -- usually the concept of travelling is reserved for the teens and twenties, so it's not too late!

    But I'm so sad to read about your brother-in-law. Much love to you all.

    Beth xx


Comments make me SO happy. Thank you for taking the time to share the love x