Monday, July 11, 2011

waiting for the eurostar...

We had a mad dash to make it to the Eurostar terminal this morning. My iPhone alarm, set for 5.45am failed to go off thanks to an inexplicable battery fail. Eek. Luckily I woke at 6.20am and after a mad flurry, we were out the door and on the way to the station by 6.30!

Next blog from our apartment in Paris - squeeeeeeeeeeee! Fingers crossed that it actually does have free Wi-Fi.


  1. How scary! Can't wait to see Paris through your eyes PPMJ! x

  2. You sound like you are having so much fun..... Bring on Paris!!

  3. Fingers are crossed! The pictures are amazing!

  4. Goodness that was cutting it fine, thank the Lord you woke up when you did.

    Can't wait to see the Paris pics. Happy and safe travelling xxx


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