Friday, April 09, 2010

a room of one's own

I love gaining an insight into other people's lives - particularly writers as it always challenges me to take myself to a new place in my work. When I became a full-time freelancer over a year ago I knew that I'd need to revise my working practices. I used to spend ages researching, then I'd write, walk away, re-read the draft, walk away, and finally I'd manage to send it off. A single article would take almost a week to complete. I don't have that kind of time now, but I still need to ensure that I supply the same, if not better, quality as before.

I don't send off a piece until I know it's the best I can offer. I need it to be easily understood and for people to walk away after reading it knowing they've learned something.

One writer who inspired me was Jodi Picoult. The day that I read that as soon as she finished a book she IMMEDIATELY started on the next switched something on in my brain. I knew that I could work smarter.

Now seeing the space that one of my favourite authors, Siri Husdvedt works in has inspired me to spend more time tidying at the end of the day. My punctuation mark at the end of my day will be to ensure there's nothing superfluous in my line of vision that can distract me from what I need to do. So thanks for the insight into Siri's world. I'm blessed with plenty of work at the moment - let's see what I can do to ensure it's all excellent.

"A room to write in isn't like other rooms, because most of the time the person in it doesn't see it. My attention is on the page in front of me, on what the people in the book are doing or saying, and my awareness of the things near me is muted, part of the vague sensual information that comes and goes as I mull over the next sentence. I do feel the light in my room, however. My study is on the top floor of our house, which has four storeys, and the windows face south, so the sunshine streams through the panes, and even on a bleak winter day my workplace is luminous.

I usually sit down at my desk around eight o'clock in the morning and write until my brain begins to dim - around two o'clock. My morning mind is far better than the blearier one that arrives in the afternoon so I take advantage of the early hours. I have lots of reference books near me, various kinds of dictionaries - bilingual, medical and psychiatric, 34 volumes of the Grove Dictionary of Art, style manuals and handbooks, the Bible, Gray's Anatomy, some poetry anthologies, and when I'm deep in a project there are often piles of books on the floor to which I refer when needed.


  1. I wish I could show you my desk surrounded by books and bookcases filled to the brim.

  2. Yes! I really must remember that 'start the next thing as soon as one is finished'. I have used this in the past and it works well (for me).

    And, I'm with you on the tidying at the end of the day too. I'm going to start that today as a way to define when I've finished working and when I start my evening (currently defined by when I open my personal email and check my google reader!).

    Have a wonderful weekend, especially at the REUNION!! Awesome :)

  3. ps. I LOVE the printer in the shelf under the desk. I so need to get my printer off my desk!

    pps. Yay for lots of work too! Long may it continue :)

  4. Oh Jen, me too. Mine's functional - but damned hulking and not pretty at all!

    Madmother you'd better be teasing me, otherwise I'll just expire through jealousy!

  5. I am busily trying to declutter my study and library so I can get new carpet, paint the walls and make it my own beautiful space. Great photo, if only.


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